It isn't a slogan, it's a purpose. Life is short and it feels like families spend more energy fighting the pressures of time, money, and relationships than they do enjoying the time, money, and relationships that they do have.
We certainly share the common wish that we'll get more of what we want tomorrow than what we have today. That's why we work hard and plan for our futures. But we'd be missing out if we also didn't pay close attention to making the most of today's opportunities.
In our business we provide families with comfort and peace of mind. Whether it's considered a moat of financial protection, or a backstop to life's events, or a brake to prevent a backwards slide in a down market, what we care most about is giving families the freedom to stop thinking about the bad stuff and giving them the license to think more positively about what they have and what they can give to others.
It is our opinion that THAT is what constitutes the real advantage of having a good risk management plan - having the freedom to do and to give.