I asked one of our customers why she liked her financial planner so much and she said "because they are helping us reach our goals and realize our dreams." Exactly!
I think that most people in the insurance industry completely miss an amazing opportunity to be part of something cool in the lives of their customers. It is a shame that most agents and companies do nothing but apply standard templates of coverage, premiums, and service to everyone who walks in the door. And this is especially apparent with internet and call-center sales and service units. Boring, cold, frustrating, and wasteful.
But we don't want any part of that! We want you to feel like we're giving you less to worry about because we want you to focus on realizing your dreams. We want you to not have to think about losses, claims, insurance, or premiums.
That is why a) we are independent and offer insurance solutions from many different companies, b) why we are constantly going to school so we can be smart in our advice, and c) why we share our knowledge by creating custom solutions unique to every customer.
So when anyone asks you why you like Mechelsen, Inc. we want to have earned your answer to be "because they've helped me worry less and live happier".