I have great admiration for people who seem to be making the most out of life and I enjoy reading stories of adventurers and those living “non-traditional” lives. Like the family who sold everything and is biking from Alaska to the southern tip of Chile. Or the family who builds schools in Afghanistan. Or the twin accountants from Colorado who are trying to ski each of the world’s 7,000-meter peaks. Or Laird Hamilton, the guy who surfs all the time.
Not all of us want to live just like that, but we each have the same opportunity to live just as fully. If you could design your own full life, what would you do with it? With whom would you spend it? Do you have a tugging in your gut that is telling you that you want to live differently? Whatever that may be, that is your adventure.
How badly you want to be in control of your own adventure and how you want to define it is up to you. How you are going to accomplish it financially is how we can help. Here are some of our clients’ personal adventures that we’re helping with:
• Funding a foundation to help loan money to women business owners in India
• Transferring to China for 2 years
• Downsizing the home, the credit cards, the consumption, the commuting, etc.
• Taking a 2 month sabbatical and train-hopping through Europe
• Purposefully moving back to a one-income household
Making sure all wheels of your financial life are turning at the same speed is important, but only if it is working toward something that is meaningful to you. Whether it involves managing money, developing a savings plan, outsourcing for a will, or overseeing the structuring of debt, we are sure we can help you live the adventurous life that you want. You dream it, we’ll help you plan it.