Folks who live intentionally really stand out. They're the ones people are jealous of. Like the guy who surfs for a living, or the woman who writes a profitable travel blog, or the teenager who starts a succesful non-profit, or the 50-year old still producing hit records. Yeah, those people are cool, but we cheat ourselves thinking we couldn't be just as cool.
Who doesn't have at least one thing about them that would make them stand out? Whether it's a talent, or a learned trade, or a philosophy, or a personal quality, we've all got something that would earn us our own spotlight. And who wouldn't want to be "known" for the thing that inspires them and makes them feel unique?
I bet you've got a little bug in you that nags you every now and then with an itch to try something different with/in your life. I bet you've got a voice that would love to speak up somewhere and somehow. I bet you have a pretty good idea of what people are missing from you.
The challenge for most of us is doing the work necessary to bring awareness to others of our "arts". First of all, it can be hard for us to clearly identify what our uniqueness is. We may have an inkling, but defining it clearly and correctly isn't always easy. Secondly, doing something with it once we find out what it is can be even harder.
But the cool people who stand out and who we're jealous of are only unique because they've done three things many others haven't yet:
1. They've defined for themselves how they want to live
2. They've identified their "art"
3. They've never stopped pursuing items 1. and 2. above