Sunday, April 10, 2011

Positive Attitude, Effort, Indomitable Spirit

It can be a challenge to consistently maintain the amount of energy that’s necessary to live the way you want. How many diets fall by the wayside? Or plans to exercise? Or plans to live within a budget? Or putting more money into your 401(k)? Or working at creating a better career?

Great ideas and plans can be easy to start, but difficult to maintain. If you think about all aspects of your life, you probably have many different goals for betterment and improvement. Most want closer relationships, more financial happiness, a greater sense of importance, a stronger faith, more free time, etc. The hard part is the work that it takes to get there and the motivation to keep working at it no matter what.

So try this: borrow or invent a mantra or philosophy for success that you believe in and write that down where you see it every day. There are lots of them out there from which to choose if you can’t figure out a way to express your own. Friends of mine at my martial arts school will recognize this one: 100% effort, positive attitude, indomitable spirit.

Once you write it down somewhere where you see it all the time, it will remind you what it will take for you to direct your own success. I promise you that this constant reminder will help you make better everyday/little decisions which will add up to the habits that build the life that you want. If you do this and it doesn't work for you, send me a note and tell me - you'll be the first.

We all need encouragement and guidance and the best of both comes from within ourselves. So commit yourself to what you believe, remind yourself of it, expect yourself to comply, and watch how much closer you get to living how you believe.